A Green Building Company.

Quality Craftsmanship without Compromise
Athos Properties is a leading green builder in the Asheville area. We focus on making home building a healthier, energy efficient and comfortable product.
Why go green? Asheville Green Homes offer a documented reduction in energy costs for little to no added cost. Check out our resource page for some helpful info.
Everlasting comfort begins with selecting the right Asheville home builders . Our team starts by designing energy efficient solutions to your plans or our and implements them throughout the construction process using our proven quality control methods. Inspection along the way and performance testing is provided by our recommended H.E.R.S. rater. As preferred Asheville green builders we are able to achieve proven results at a savings to you.
Services We offer are: Custom Green Home Building, Land and Home Packages, Residential & Light Commercial Remodeling Projects.
Asheville Green Homes and Construction
Copyright 2017 Athos Properties: Asheville Green Homes. All Rights Reserved
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